Joseph M. Connors
11/2001 to Present
Joseph M. Connors, Jr., P.C. Waltham, MA
Individually responsible for negotiating and drafting real estate and business agreements, preparing conveyance, contract and loan documents, and conducting commercial and residential closings for buyers, sellers, and lenders. Also responsible for preparing and prosecuting civil actions in the District, Superior and Land Courts, as well as prepared numerous ,zoning opinions and petitions to municipal permit granting authorities for variances and special permits.
Represented multi-national pharmaceutical company in petition to zoning board for variances to add a 100,00 square foot addition; represented real estate developer in request before City Council for special permit to construct national retail store; represented national multi-family owner in requests for special permits before zoning board ; represented nonprofit and for profit entities in applications for comprehensive permits under MGL c. 40B before zoning boards of appeals; appeared before local zoning board, planning board, and city council on over seventy-five cases over the last fourteen years for various home owners, business owners and real estate developers for special permits, variances, and other types of relief from municipal entities.
- Represented individuals and businesses in litigating and/or arbitrated failure to pay wages, failure to pay severance agreements, failure to pay unemployment compensation, and illegal discrimination.
- Conducted over one hundred commercial and residential closings for various lending institutions in the last several years.
- Represented individuals and institutional clients before Zoning Boards of Appeals, and other special permit granting authorities; civil trials in Superior and District Courts.
- Represent two public Housing Authorities in summary process actions in the District Court as well as Superior Court actions for M.G.L. c. 30A appeals and civil rights cases.
3/1998 to 10/2001
Connors & Connors, LLP Waltham, MA
Zoning, Planning and Land Use, Labor and Employment Law, Criminal and Civil Litigation.
- Drafted numerous petitions and briefs for variances and special permits and made numerous presentations at public hearings before zoning boards of appeals and special permit granting authorities.
- Litigated various land use issues and zoning appeals in Land Court.
- Conducted commercial and residential closings for various financial institutions.
1996 to 3/1998 LeClair, Quinn, Scimone, Noonan & Connors, LLP Waltham, MA
- Criminal and Civil Litigation, Real Estate and Labor and Employment Law.
- Conducted numerous criminal trails in the State District and Superior Courts.
1987 to 1996 Law Offices of Joseph M. Connors, Jr. Waltham, MA
Criminal and civil litigation, employment law and real estate law-
: Tried hundreds of bench trials and numerous jury trials in District and Superior Courts.
1982 Boston College, A.B. Chestnut Hill, MA
Graduated Cum Laude.
1986 Suffolk University, J.D. Boston, MA
Member of the Massachusetts Bar since December 1986.
U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts since 1987.
• Member and former President of West Suburban Bar Association (2000-2001). Board of Directors of Waltham West Suburban Chamber of Commerce, 1998 to 2005, Chairman of the Board, 2004.